來,快加入 Sensay 的
【2022 LNY 英文大挑戰】
2022 Lunar New Year English Speaking Challenge!
報告內容包括預估相等 CEFR、TOEFL、TOEIC 以及 IELTS 的分數!
參與活動者可有機會贏到 2000元的獎金!
與親朋好友分享我們2022年的過年活動 讓學習英語變得更好玩!

- 18歲以上
- ** (required) 填寫表格
- ** (required) 完成英語口說 測驗代碼:TRIAL2022
- 請只提交一次,但您可以同時參加ENG 1和ENG 2以獲得額外的獲勝機會
- 活動 2 月 6 日午夜結束
- 完成以上活動就有機會抽到2000元的獎金
- 你會立即收到你的英語口說報告。報告內容包括預估相等 CEFR、TOEFL、TOEIC 以及 IELTS 的分數
- 與親朋好友分享 大家來看看自己的英語能力!
- 如果有問題請聯絡我們: info@oksensay.com
Are you curious about your English speaking level? Practice speaking English this Lunar New Year!
You will receive an instant skill level report, and you’ll also have a chance to win 2,000 NTD just for participating!
Speak for just 15 minutes using your cell phone, tablet or computer, and receive a free report on your English speaking proficiency instantly.
This report will also show your approximate CEFR, TOEFL, TOEIC and IELTS scores too!
Share this 2022 LNY English speaking challenge with family and friends, let’s make speaking English fun!
Find us here:

Rules to enter the 2022 CNY English Speaking Challenge for the chance to win 2,000 NTD:
- Must be over the age of 18
- **(REQUIRED): Complete and submit this short survey
- **(REQUIRED): Take ENG 1 or ENG 2 speaking assessment with code: “TRIAL2022”
- Please submit only one time, but you can take both ENG 1 and ENG 2 for an extra chance to win
- Contest ends at midnight, Feb 6
- You will receive an instant report with your English speaking level. The report shows your approximate CEFR, TOEFL, TOIEC and IELTS scores too!
- Share with family and friends, see how everyone does!
- Please contact us if you have any questions: info@oksensay.com